
Women's Suffrage: 100 years

6 February 2018

100 years ago, the Representation of the People Act, 1918, was signed. This moment in history was the start for women across the country gaining the right to vote for the first time.

On this momentous day, 近20期六合彩结果 have been celebrating the women involved in the suffragist movement.

The library have highlighted their Suffragette materials throughout the Learning Zones, including a range of interesting resources on local suffragists.

Manchester is hailed as the starting point of the Suffragette movement, and many influential women called Manchester home during the time. The library has raised the profile of Hannah Mitchell, who lived in Ashton-Under-Lyne for 10 years. She was a magistrate of Manchester and a councillor too. The library has some brilliant resources for students and staff to find out more about the area’s local history and Manchester's incredible role in history.

The Inclusive Learning department have also created a Suffragette Tree displaying an amazing host of photographs and quotes from the time.

Find out more about the Suffrage movement .

Tags: equality and diversity

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