
Coronavirus response update - 23.04.20

23 April 2020

Coronavirus response update 23rd April 2020

I hope this email finds you safe and well.

Unfortunately, we have not received any further information about the laptop and 4G router scheme which was announced by Gavin Williamson on Sunday. We will share any information and the eligibility criteria with you once we receive it and will contact those students who are able to benefit from the scheme in due course.

The Senior Leadership Team will soon be discussing the process for progression from A1 to A2 next year as we are not running progression examinations in the summer.  As you are aware, we intend to use your son or daughter’s engagement in remote learning as one element of our decision making; it is vital that they continue to engage with their studies. Teachers continue to set and assess. It is unlikely that we will have the time next year to reteach or cover the majority of the work currently being set hence the call to arms and why it is important that they do their best. Of course, we are also mindful that there are some of students dealing with a multitude of issues and difficulties; we understand that this is a difficult time for many and promise to take this into consideration when the time comes. It is therefore important to make your son or daughter’s Senior Tutor aware if this is the case.

On a different note, today, I asked our Marketing team to send out two infographics about domestic violence. It is a sad fact of life that the incidences of domestic violence have increased significantly since the lockdown began; sadly, many will witness or be directly affected by this in their homes. If you need help, the advice is always to try to find a safe space and contact the Police through 999. If unable to talk, pressing 55 when prompted will direct the call to the Police who will make arrangements to visit your home.

And finally, Happy St. George’s Day to all and Ramadan Mubarak to all entering the holy month of Ramadan at dusk this evening.   

That’s it for today.

Take care, look after yourself, your families and each other; be patient and stay positive.



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